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Security Center

As we continue to adopt new technologies, we realize that many of our customers have concerns about personal privacy policies. We wanted to address some of those concerns.

The following pertain to all website interactions, including information given through email and information request forms.

    • We will clearly disclose our customer confidentiality policies.
    • Our employees are not allowed to access customer information unless they have been given specific permission for the purpose of carrying out the Bank's business.
    • No employee will discuss or disclose any customer information unless given specific permission for the purpose of carrying out the Bank's business.
    • We will only collect, maintain, and use information from or about our customers as specifically required to transact business with our customers.
    • We will exercise a reasonable level of control to ensure accuracy of customer information. Errors that are found and/or reported will be promptly corrected.
    • Third parties authorized to access customer information will be subject to the above policies.

Completing an information request form?

Any information provided to us through our website (i.e. email or information request forms) will be used solely for answering customer questions, or conducting Bank business. Demographic information, including name, age, email or mailing addresses will not be distributed, or sold, to any outside source.

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